Thursday, October 13, 2011

14 Week Update

Coming to you LIVE from Dallas! (We're house hunting for when the babes come.) And it's been one heck of a trip...and we've only been here 24 hours. lol. The blog post about this trip is going to be hilarious. Stay tuned.

How far along? 14 Weeks, 2 days.
Total weight gain/loss: I'm not good at stepping on a scale. It freaks me out. I'm trying not to stress about gaining enough weight or gaining too much.
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants still win every morning. I tried wearing a pair of my regular pants on Tuesday and I've never felt so sick in my life. Seriously, fetal position on the floor sick. SO, we'll be going for stretchy waistbands from here on out.
Best moment this week: The e-mails from The babes are the size of lemons :) I love that. They used to be poppyseeds. *sigh* they grow up so fast. Also, proper communication resulted in Cam lowering the intensity of his back rubs a bit.
Movement: A little bit? I think the babes like Mexican food. We ate Mexican tonight and the spicy-ness made things all sorts of exciting. I'm afraid to label it as "I FELT THE BABIES!" because, as a first time mom, I'm not exactly sure what I'm feeling or what I'm supposed to be feeling.
Waist Diameter: Cam can still fit his arms around me. Although, I'm for sure showing. I think it's getting more normal to me, though. I feel like my belly disappears sometimes, but Cam assures me that it most definitely does not. So I must just be getting used to it.
Food cravings: Food. In general. Just FOOD. I feel like I've turned the corner from food aversions/cravings to if it is edible, and within arms reach it's going down the chute. I have 2 breakfasts every morning, about 90 minutes apart, a large lunch, snacks all afternoon, dinner, and water water water. It's fabulous. Although I can go from content to starvingohmygoshi'mshakingandgonnadie in a matter of seconds.
Gender: Probably won’t find out until week 20.
Labor Signs: None, thank heavens. :)
Belly Button in or out? Totally still in, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time!
What I miss: Nothing. We’ve been looking forward to this for so long! (Although, I will say that I saw a commercial for Six Flags today and I do love the roller coasters.)
What I am looking forward to: Finding a home for our growing family! It's such a weird feeling to fly into a huge city and know that you'll be moving there within a year. But looking at apartments has taken on a whole new point-of-view. We see the second bedroom as a nursery instead of a guest room. I have a strange attraction to gated communities and care very much if the fence around the pool looks sturdy and has slats that a toddler couldn't fit through.
Milestones: Second Trimester Officially!! WOO!
Realization of the week: Cam is the hottest soon-to-be dad ever.


  1. I'm excited to hear about house hunting in Dallas since we're headed there too (and at about the same time!). Andy lived in a place called The Village this year ( when he was on his internship. He really liked the area, so we might end up there. There's quite a few young LDS couples due to how close it is to Southern Methodist.

  2. i must know what part of dallas you look at. i was born in that area. have we talked about this???

  3. I think it was about 15 weeks that I started waking up in the middle of the night feeling sick because I was so hungry. I would have to go eat an apple or a bowl of cereal then I was fine and it is not like I had been starving myself the day before haha. So much fun! I also started noticing movements around this time when I would eat sugar so I think you are probably right!! Enjoy it!

  4. keep eating = healthy babies (i bet) and the size of lemons!? you should be proud of that belly! so cute! post that picture of you. i almost posted it on my blog but thought i should let you first...

  5. Don't worry about the weight gain, your body will gain what it needs to. I gained 50lbs with my first 4 pregnancies (only 2 gained so far on #5). With the first pregnancy I was so perfect, I drank no soda, we didn't eat out, we exercised, and still gained 50lbs, with the 2nd I was lazy and didn't try at all and 50lbs :) Don't let it get to yo you! But I must admit that I never look at the scale at the doc anymore!

  6. Yay for updates!! I do read your blog but I am the most terrible person for never commenting - I guess that could be defined as stalking... :) Anyways, I am so glad that you are doing well! Maternity clothes are THE BEST! And definitely don't worry about weight gain. Like it was said before, just don't look at the scale. :)

  7. I was super sick with our last baby plus had the flu 3 times and only gained 18 lbs. She arrived via c-section in distress and a month early - go for the weight gain - it was way way better.

  8. Hey you! This is Barbara Dirlam/Nielsen from Flag. You are ADORABLE! I am so so happy to hear your great news! TWINS! HOW FUN! Exciting times ahead! You look SO happy! Can't wait to see what the genders are!
