Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Top Etsy Picks: December 2010

The other day, a friend of mine asked me where I find "all this cute stuff." I told her Etsy. She then told me that she'd never heard of Etsy. I gasped. So, just in case there are any more of you out there that don't know what Etsy is, or that happen to be interested in my latest Etsy obsessions, here ya go! :)

Hint: if any of these just happened to appear under the Christmas tree for me, it wouldn't be too difficult for me to feign surprise.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

1. Egg Nog Scented Soap - Um. YUM.

2. Eventually Necklace from the R house - Some days I just need a reminder that my deepest wants will be mine eventually if I can just stay the course.

3. Peacock Feather Dish Towels - They match my kitchen completely and are wonderfully glamorous. Plus, our current dish towels are ugly. majorly.

4. Left Me At The Fair - C & I said the l-word for the first time on Santa Monica beach, right after we rode the ferris wheel. I'd love this print in my house!

5. Cute Christmas Owl - Owl + Stripes = Perfection

6. Tree with our initials - We get a Christmas ornament for every anniversary. This beautiful little tree would look so cute to commemorate year 2.

7. To Be Brave print - The words say: "it is in all of us to defy expectations, to go into the world and to be brave. to want, to need, to hunger for adventures. to embrace change and chance and risk
so that we may breathe and know what it is to be free." I don't know where I'd put this, but I'm thinkin' this is one of those "buy now, figure the rest out later" deals.

8. Letterpress Initial Necklace - I just think this encompasses everything "me" in a nutshell. This might be my favorite find. [Along with #3, #7, & #11]

9. Calendar - I need a new one for 2011 and the illustrations on this one are to-die-for.

10. Pomegranate Stamp - I think this little stamp is so wonderfully cheery. If I had it, I would seal each and every envelope that left our house with it. Including the bills. Perhaps it would make paying bills a bit less obnoxious?

11. Hope Necklace from the R house - See #2.

12. Weekly Planner - Designed with typography after my own heart. Maybe one as gorgeous as this would make me actually carry it around and use it. I sincerely think it would. I'm motivated this year.

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