Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Today, I am grateful

grateful for being a part of a worldwide church whose members are so willing to help people they may not know. And grateful for a Heavenly Father who knows His children, and for the miracles He works in order to bring them back into His arms.

I have a friend named Katie from junior-high. She has mentioned in the past how she’s been praying but doesn’t know how to find an answer. She believes in personal revelation. She recently got married and is so absolutely in love with her husband that it’s infectious. I can’t help but think that “forever” would sound so much better to her than “until death do you part.”

Katie is an actress/singer who spent months in New York apart from her husband and stayed until she couldn’t take it anymore. She returned to live with him in Virginia earlier this week. They’re having a rough time. He is in the Navy and was deployed less than 48 hours from the time Katie got home. She doesn’t have a car and doesn’t know anybody. She has no way to get to her job, and their bank accounts are completely overdrawn.

When she said, “I don’t know. I guess God just wants me to be alone right now.” I knew that I had to do something, anything, to keep her from feeling that way.

I asked her if it would be OK for me to call a bishop out there who could introduce her to a young married woman who’s in a situation similar to her and if she would be comfortable getting a ride to and from work for the next little bit until her husband came home.

She quickly gave me her phone number and address and was impressed that I could even know someone who could help her all the way out there.

She said, “Wow, you mormons are crazy networkers!”
I said, “No…we just like taking care of our friends.”
She said, “I guess so! I’ve never made friends at church before. No one was very welcoming.”

I called Bishop Austin about a half hour ago and left a pretty obscure message on their answering machine, asking them to help her find a ride to her job. I can’t wait to see the kind of people she’s going to meet. I can’t wait to hear about the conversations she’s going to have. My heart is pounding and I can’t help but know that she’ll be taken care of.

I’d love for you to all meet my friend Katie. Check out www.theyouandmeshow.com. Leave her some love. It would mean a lot to a girl who’s feeling awful alone right now.

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