Saturday, March 23, 2013

The view from here

My family left last night. After so much playtime, the boys were so sad to see them go. And bored. I was feeling lonely again, too. Texas is just really far away. It's like it knew today was a sad day. The weather turned cold almost immediately and I dug out the extra blankets.

After a long morning of inconsolable tears, an angel friend of mine asked if I wanted to go to the nursery with her to get plants for our garden. We packed up and headed out. The boys got all sorts of attention, We bought tomatoes, peppers, cantaloupe, and squash.she helped me divvy up my backyard and brought me a shovel to get started. Grateful to be remembered today and to have a new focus. I live learning something new.

I tucked the boys back in their cribs. It's drizzling outside. They have warm quilts on their tiny sleeping bodies. I'm listening to them snore. It's incredible to think that by the time I can pick the green beans for dinner, or tomatoes for a salad, I will have two toddlers. Boys. That can help carry things inside. Get muddy. Learn. Even talk. But snuggle down and sleep little boys. I'm all too aware you won't stay this way for long.

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